Yukon, from Fear to Family

After our beloved Rusty passed away, we allowed her sister Nikki, our 10 year old Siberian Husky, to pick out a new buddy. We "interviewed" numerous middle aged Huskies but she chose a 6 month old! He wanted to play and she wanted to play, so we adopted him. I don't know if she remembered her time at the rescue center or just what, but she seemed to know he needed her.

Once we got him home, it seemed that all the poor puppy could do was cower in the corner or hide in one of the dog houses. He panicked when touched in certain places, leading us to believe that he had been abused.

Yukon was afraid to get in the car, afraid of the leash, afraid of strangers and even of my husband. We spent long hours sitting on the deck allowing him to tower over us. I gave him lots of positive attention and treats when he cooperated. Nikki showed him the ropes and over time he developed trust in me and even learned some behavioral tricks like sit, come, shake hands, lie down, go to bed, etc! Of course treats helped the process along. Eventually Yukon learned to trust my husband and now loves going for walks and car rides. He learned to "heal" by watching Nikki on a leash with me. We made trips to the vet's office and pet stores, allowing him to see that not everyone is mean.

The biggest test came when we took Yukon and Nikki to a neighborhood festival. We walked the streets, sat listening to a band, and allowed people to pet our "kids". Yukon is now 2 and my pride must have been evident whenever anyone showed an interest in him and I told them his story.

Karen Birch
Escondido, CA