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Politicians Cannot Censor Climate Change!

3,947 signatures toward our 50,000 Goal

7.89% Complete

Sponsor: The Rainforest Site

Tell Secretary Jewell To Stand Up For Climate Change. The Language We Use To Describe Environmental Concerns Needs To Be Precise

In Florida and Pennsylvania, former government employees are coming forward with allegations saying that they were forced to omit the phrases "climate change" and "global warming" from government documents. Although these offices are denying such policies, there is a correlation between the omission of key phrases from government documents and the recent accusations, suggesting that the claims should be treated seriously.

The senate has recently approved Sen. Jim Inhofe's resolution (voting 98-1), acknowledging that climate change is a legitimate environmental issue that affects the globe. However, they did not pass the secondary resolution stating that humans exacerbate climate change, proving that there is still work that needs to be done. It's shocking that there are still people trying to dismiss global warming as an un-founded theory.

Americans deserve to know the truth. You can save our planet from global warming, before it's too late!

Tell the Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell, that further investigations need to be made into these allegations. We need to protect our environment from the enemies of science and, if need be, punish those who stand in the way of progress.

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The Petition:

Dear Secretary Jewell,

With funding being cut from environmental agencies across the world and the recent allegations coming from Florida and Pennsylvania suggesting that terms like "climate change," and "global warming," are being restricted from crucial government documents, I strongly believe investigations and legal actions need to be made by your staff to combat this threat of horrid censorship.

The senate has recently approved Sen. Jim Inhofe's resolution (voting 98-1), acknowledging that climate change is a legitimate environmental issue that affects the globe. However, they did not pass the secondary resolution stating that humans exacerbate climate change, proving that there is still work that needs to be done. With the senate resolution being passed, no longer can politicians dismiss global warming and climate change. The passing of this first resolution is a major first step for our government. This vote validates the scientific research that has been exposing these environmental issues for years and sets a governmental precedent for those who attempt to deny the reality of global warming and climate change.

Now there are allegations coming from Florida and Pennsylvania from former government employees claiming that there are unofficial policies put in place, forcing staff to omit phrases like "climate change" and "global warming" from documents. Although these offices are denying such policies, there is a correlation between the omission of key phrases from government documents and the recent accusations, suggesting that the claims should be treated seriously. Climate change and global warming are serious threats and the language we use to describe them needs to be precise.

I would find it unacceptable for the government to censor documents discussing global warming. You, on behalf of the Department of the Interior, need to investigate these claims to ensure that this is not happening in a country that values free speech so highly. If politicians are, in fact, making this a practice, they should be exposed by your staff through legal actions so their disrespect towards the earth and their efforts to mislead the public are apparent to all.

I ask that you stand up for the freedom of speech as well as for the environment by investigating these cases of environmental censorship. By doing this, government officials will no longer be able to deny the devastating affects of human activity on the environment, therefore encouraging more people to support efforts towards saving the planet from global warming and climate change. With your help we can save the planet.

Thank you,

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