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Pledge To Keep Your Pet Sheltered All Year Long

25,290 signatures toward our 50,000 Goal

50.58% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Thousands of animals die every year because of inadequate or non-existent shelter. Take the Pet Shelter Pledge!

It is a sad fact that only 1 out of every 10 dogs born will find a permanent home. In most cases, their owners will give them up, or they will be found homeless on the street. Tragically, less than 2% of those cats and only 15 to 20% of dogs are returned to their owners1.

Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.9 million are dogs and 3.4 million are cats2.

At least 2.7 million of those shelter animals will be killed because shelters are too full and caring homes can't be found fast enough to meet up with the supply.

If you have just adopted a pet, or intend on bringing one into your family soon, there is no better time than July, National Dog House Repair Month, to show your pet how much you care by keeping them well sheltered. Follow the following tips to make sure your pet stays safe and comfortable year-round.

  1. Your dog's outdoor house should provide adequate room for your dog to stand, turn about, and lie down with legs extended3.
  2. The shelter must provide protection from inclement weather, both summer heat and winter cold. Consider building your dog house in a shady spot can cut down on excessive heat in hot weather, or adding ventilation that allows air to circulate in the summer months and can be closed up in the winter.
  3. There should always be fresh water available. Build in water and food dishes on the outside of the house so they don't get knocked over4.
  4. A good shelter needs a secure roof that doesn't leak. The roof should extend eight-inches or more to keep rain or snow from blowing into the house during a storm. If the inside remains dry after spraying the roof with a garden hose, you've done a good job.
  5. Check the dog house regularly and clean out any bugs or other outdoor varmints that may have moved in.
  6. Repair or replace any chewed up areas on the house and make sure there are no loose nails protruding that could injure your dog.

Now that you have the knowledge to construct a proper pet shelter, sign the Pet Shelter Pledge below, share your skills with others and put these steps into action!

More on this issue:

  1. DoSomething.org"11 Facts About Animal Homelessness."
  2. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (2021), "Pet Statistics."
  3. Nick Pullano, PetDoors.com (17 July 2013), "Dog House Repairs Month: Sheltering Your Dog Outside."
  4. Larry Kay, Positively Woof (7 July 2017), "Pet Calendar: Dog House Repair Month."
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The Petition:

As a lover of pets and an advocate for their health, I hereby pledge to provide shelter for my pet that:

  1. Keeps them dry from rain;
  2. Provides protection summer heat and winter cold;
  3. Allows them to stand, turn about, and lie down with legs extended;
  4. Allows access to fresh water and food;
  5. Is clean and free of bugs;
  6. Is well-maintained and keeps my pet happy!

Pledged by,

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