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Keep Horrific Horse Abuse Out of the Olympics

9,677 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

32.26% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Olympic horses are suffering in silence under the pressure of competition. Join us in demanding the immediate removal of equestrian sports from the Games until ethical practices are enforced.

The 2024 Paris Olympics brought to light a disturbing reality: the mistreatment of horses in equestrian sports. A video showing British Olympian Charlotte Dujardin whipping a horse during training shocked the world and highlighted the cruel practices that have become ingrained in this sport1.

This incident is not isolated. Brazilian rider Carlos Parro also faced criticism for using a banned technique that forces horses into unnatural positions, causing them significant discomfort2.

These cases expose a harsh truth: the welfare of the horses has been sacrificed for the sake of competition.

Horses Deserve Compassion, Not Cruelty

Horses are more than just tools for winning medals. They are sentient beings who deserve dignity, respect, and care. Yet, the current culture within equestrian sports prioritizes victory over the well-being of these animals.

The physical and psychological harm inflicted upon them is not justifiable. This is not the spirit of the Olympics, which should stand for fairness, humanity, and the celebration of life in all its forms.

A Call for Stronger Action

Animal rights organizations, athletes, and the public are demanding change. The International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI) has responded by introducing reforms aimed at improving the treatment of horses. These reforms include stricter guidelines on training methods and increased monitoring of competitions3.

However, these changes do not go far enough. As long as the culture of winning at all costs persists, horses will continue to suffer.

The IOC Must Act Now

We believe the International Olympic Committee (IOC) must take a stronger stance. Until there is a fundamental shift in how equestrian sports are conducted, these events should not be part of the Olympic Games.

Removing equestrian sports from the Olympics sends a clear message that the welfare of animals is more important than tradition or competition.

Join the Movement for Change

This is an urgent issue that requires immediate action. By signing the petition, you will join a growing movement that demands the IOC put compassion before competition. Together, we can push for the necessary changes to ensure that no horse suffers for the sake of sport. It’s time for the Olympics to reflect the highest ideals of humanity, where cruelty has no place.

Sign the petition today and stand up for the ethical treatment of Olympic horses.

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The Petition:

To the Members of the International Olympic Committee,

We, the undersigned, call upon the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to take decisive action by removing equestrian sports from the Olympic Games until significant cultural changes and ethical practices are adopted within the sport.

Recent incidents, including the shocking video of Olympic champion Charlotte Dujardin whipping a horse during training, have exposed the deep-seated issues of cruelty and exploitation in equestrian sports. These events have sparked global outrage and have highlighted the urgent need for a complete overhaul of the practices and attitudes that currently govern this sport.

Horses are sentient beings who deserve to be treated with compassion and respect. The physical and psychological harm inflicted on these animals in the name of competition is unacceptable and runs counter to the values of humanity that the Olympic Games should uphold. The current culture within equestrian sports prioritizes winning over the well-being of the animals, and until this culture is fundamentally reformed, the sport should not be a part of the Olympics.

We urge the IOC to take a stand for animal welfare by suspending equestrian sports from the Olympic program until clear and enforceable ethical guidelines are established and rigorously followed. By doing so, the IOC will send a powerful message that the welfare of animals is more important than tradition, and that cruelty has no place in the world’s most prestigious sporting event.

Taking this step will ensure a better future for all—where sportsmanship includes compassion, and where the Olympic Games truly reflect the highest ideals of humanity.


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