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Join the Fight Against Iceland's Brutal Whale Hunts

654 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

2.18% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Join us in ending Iceland's cruel whale hunts and protecting vulnerable fin whales. Stop this inhumane practice and ensure a future where these majestic creatures thrive!

The government of Iceland has made a shocking decision that puts the future of one of the ocean's most majestic creatures at risk. By granting a new whaling license to Hvalur ehf, Iceland has permitted the hunting of 128 vulnerable fin whales in 20241.

This decision has sparked outrage among conservationists and animal welfare advocates worldwide, highlighting the urgent need for action.

The Inhumane Reality of Whaling

Fin whales are the second-largest animals on Earth, known for their grace and intelligence. These gentle giants are essential to the marine ecosystem, helping to maintain the balance of oceanic life. Despite their importance, the Icelandic government has allowed the continuation of commercial whaling, a practice that has long been condemned for its cruelty and environmental impact.

Recent reports reveal the brutal reality of whaling. Many whales suffer immensely, taking up to two hours to die after being harpooned2. This inhumane treatment is a clear violation of ethical standards and Iceland's own Animal Welfare Act. The decision to allow such suffering not only undermines the country's commitment to humane treatment but also threatens the already vulnerable fin whale population.

The Global Stance Against Whaling

Globally, commercial whaling has been largely abandoned, with most nations recognizing the need to protect endangered marine species. However, Iceland, along with Norway and Japan, continues to defy international agreements and conservation efforts3. The decision to renew Hvalur ehf's license is a significant setback for global marine conservation and a stark reminder of the work still needed to protect these creatures.

Your Voice Can Make a Difference

There is hope, though. A recent survey shows that the majority of Icelanders oppose commercial whaling, reflecting a growing recognition of the importance of conservation4. The international community, including many leading conservation organizations, has also voiced strong opposition to Iceland's whaling activities. This broad-based concern presents an opportunity to effect change.

By signing the petition, you can help end this cruel and outdated practice. Together, we can urge the Icelandic government to revoke the whaling license and ban all future whaling activities. This action will not only protect the fin whales but also reinforce Iceland's reputation as a leader in environmental stewardship and humane practices.

Your voice matters. The time to act is now. Join us in calling for the protection of these magnificent creatures and the preservation of our oceans. Sign the petition today and stand with us in demanding an end to Iceland's whaling.

More on this issue:

  1. Jaroslav Lukiv, BBC News (11 June 2024), "Iceland grants whale hunting permit despite animal welfare concerns."
  2. Elizabeth Claire Alberts, Mongabay (11 June 2024), "Icelandic government grants new license to whaling company to hunt 128 fin whales."
  3. Sylvia Hui, Associated Press (11 June 2024), "Iceland issues license for 128 fin whales to be hunted this year."
  4. Oceanographic Magazine (2024), "Japan and Iceland resume fin whale hunts."
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The Petition:

To the Government of Iceland, and Iceland's Ministers of Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries,

We, the undersigned, urgently call upon the Icelandic government to revoke the recently granted whaling license to Hvalur ehf. The decision to allow the hunting of 128 fin whales in 2024 is a grave concern for conservationists and humane society advocates worldwide. Fin whales, classified as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), are majestic creatures that play a crucial role in the marine ecosystem. The continuation of whaling not only threatens their population but also disrupts the balance of our oceans, which is vital for the health of the planet.

The harpooning and subsequent suffering of these gentle giants is a practice that belongs in the past. Recent studies and reports have shown that many whales endure prolonged and painful deaths, clearly violating ethical and humane standards. As global awareness and condemnation of animal cruelty grow, it is imperative that Iceland leads by example and ceases all whaling activities.

The majority of Icelanders, along with the international community, are increasingly opposed to this practice. By revoking this license and banning whaling altogether, Iceland can demonstrate its commitment to conservation and the protection of endangered species. This action would not only align with global conservation efforts but also enhance Iceland's international reputation as a forward-thinking and humane nation.

We urge the Icelandic government to take immediate and decisive action to end the brutal practice of whaling. In doing so, you will ensure a better and more sustainable future for our oceans and all who inhabit them, paving the way for a legacy of compassion and stewardship for generations to come.


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