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Stop Ruthless Poachers From Destroying America's Wildlife Heritage

1,725 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

5.75% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Our nation’s wildlife is under siege by ruthless poachers who exploit and kill for profit. Help us call for a lifetime ban on hunting licenses for those who falsify tags and destroy our natural heritage.

Idaho’s wildlife faces ongoing threats from those who seek to exploit the state’s natural resources for personal gain. Illegal poaching and the falsification of hunting tags are crimes that not violate the law and betray the ethical foundation of hunting and conservation. This isn’t just about individual cases; it’s about protecting our wildlife for generations to come.

The Ongoing Threat of Poaching and Harassment

Poaching, particularly when combined with the use of motorized vehicles and aircraft to harass wildlife, is a cruel and unethical practice. Reports have shown how helicopters and other vehicles are used to chase and corner animals like elk and deer, driving them into positions where they can be easily hunted. This type of harassment disrupts the natural behaviors of these animals and subjects them to unnecessary stress and suffering1.

These actions are more than just violations of Idaho’s hunting laws; they are a direct assault on the dignity of our state’s wildlife. Idaho’s animals deserve to live free from the fear of being hunted down in such a brutal and unethical manner.

Illegal Tag Sales: An Enduring Challenge to Fair Hunting

Another ongoing issue is the illegal sale of hunting tags, particularly those issued under programs like Idaho’s Landowner Appreciation Program (LAP). These tags are intended to reward landowners for providing habitat and access to wildlife, but they have been exploited by individuals who sell them on the black market for profit2. This practice undermines the fairness of hunting in Idaho and gives an unfair advantage to those willing to break the law.

Illegal tag sales cheat honest hunters out of opportunities and threaten the very integrity of Idaho’s wildlife management system. When hunting tags become commodities for the highest bidder, it erodes public trust and compromises the sustainability of our wildlife populations.

A Call for Permanent Action

To protect Idaho’s wildlife from ongoing and future threats, we call for a lifetime ban on hunting licenses for any individual found guilty of falsifying game tags or engaging in poaching. This measure is necessary to ensure that those who seek to exploit our natural resources are permanently removed from the hunting community.

A lifetime ban sends a strong message that the exploitation of wildlife will not be tolerated. It upholds the principles of ethical hunting and conservation and helps preserve the state’s natural heritage for future generations.

Sign the Petition

Join us in demanding a lifetime hunting license ban for anyone who falsifies game tags or engages in poaching. By signing this petition, you are helping to ensure that Idaho’s wildlife is protected now and for years to come.

Your voice can make a difference. Together, we can ensure that Idaho remains a place where wildlife is respected and where hunting is a fair and ethical practice. Let’s protect our natural heritage for future generations by standing up against those who seek to exploit it.

Sign the petition today to protect Idaho’s wildlife for the future.

More on this issue:

  1. Lorien Nettleton, Idaho News 6 (26 August 2024), "Hunters face charges after investigation details poaching, harassment of game and illegal sale of hunting tags."
  2. Mychel Matthews, Magic Valley (24 August 2024), "Rupert man charged with 5 felonies in poaching conspiracy."
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The Petition:

To the Governor of Idaho and the Director of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG),

We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about the recent exposure of illegal poaching activities and the falsification of game tags within Idaho. These heinous acts not only violate our state's laws but also undermine the ethical foundation of hunting, conservation, and wildlife management in Idaho.

The recent investigation that uncovered a black market for hunting tags, along with the harassment and killing of animals for personal gain, has brought to light a troubling disregard for the lives of our state’s wildlife. These animals are not mere trophies; they are vital parts of Idaho’s rich ecosystem, deserving of our respect and protection.

We urge you to take decisive action by implementing a lifetime ban on hunting licenses for any individual found guilty of falsifying game tags or engaging in poaching. This severe measure is necessary to protect our wildlife from those who see them only as a means to profit or gain status.

Idaho’s wildlife belongs to all of us, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure their safety and well-being. By instituting a lifetime ban, we send a clear message that Idaho will not tolerate the exploitation of its natural resources for personal greed.

Humanity and compassion must guide our interactions with the animals who share our state. They have an inherent right to exist free from harassment and unnecessary harm. When individuals betray the trust placed in them as hunters, they must face the full consequences of their actions.

By enacting this ban, you will help to preserve Idaho’s wildlife for future generations. This action will demonstrate our state’s commitment to ethical hunting practices, conservation, and the protection of our natural heritage.

Together, we can ensure that Idaho remains a place where wildlife thrives, and where hunting is a respected and responsible activity, not tainted by greed and deception.

Thank you for considering this urgent and necessary request. We trust that you will take the steps needed to safeguard Idaho’s wildlife and ensure a better future for all.


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