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Stop PFAS in Artificial Turf from Poisoning of Our Children

5,206 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

17.35% Complete

Sponsor: The Rainforest Site

Our children are unknowingly playing on toxic artificial turf loaded with harmful PFAS—act now to protect their health and future.

Artificial turf fields have become a common sight in schools, parks, and sports complexes across the country. They promise low maintenance and year-round playability, but recent studies reveal a hidden danger that could be putting our children and communities at risk.

The Hidden Dangers of PFAS

Artificial turf often contains per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), toxic chemicals known for their persistence in the environment and the human body. These "forever chemicals" do not break down and can accumulate over time, leading to serious health risks. Exposure to PFAS has been linked to cancer, liver damage, immune system disruptions, and developmental problems in children1.

A study found that both the blades and backing of artificial turf contain high levels of PFAS2. Children and athletes who play on these fields are at risk of absorbing these chemicals through skin contact, inhalation, and ingestion. The situation is dire: recent research showed that PFAS levels on children's skin significantly increased after playing on artificial turf3.

Impact on Our Children

Children are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of PFAS due to their developing bodies and increased exposure risks. As they play on these fields, they come into close contact with the ground, often touching or even ingesting the crumb rubber infill used to stabilize the turf4. This exposure can lead to long-term health issues that may not manifest until much later in life.

Community Concerns

Communities across the United States are growing increasingly alarmed about the potential dangers of synthetic turf. In Philadelphia, an investigation linked PFAS-laden turf to a higher incidence of rare brain cancers among former athletes5. Boston has already banned new artificial turf installations in city parks, and California now allows local governments to ban synthetic grass in residential areas6.

These actions reflect a growing recognition of the urgent need to protect public health from these dangerous chemicals. Yet, many schools and parks continue to install and use PFAS-containing turf, putting countless children and community members at risk.

Call for Action

The time to act is now. We cannot afford to wait while our children and communities are exposed to these toxic chemicals. We must push for safer alternatives and stronger regulations to eliminate the use of PFAS in artificial turf and other consumer products.

Join Us in Making a Change

We urge the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Education to take immediate action. We need comprehensive testing of all artificial turf products, strict regulations to limit PFAS use, and a commitment to safer, non-toxic alternatives.

Your voice matters. Sign the petition now and help protect our children and communities from the hidden dangers of PFAS. Together, we can create a safer, healthier environment for future generations.

More on this issue:

  1. Ketura Persellin, Environmental Working Group (29 October 2019), "New Studies Show PFAS in Artificial Grass Blades and Backing."
  2. Leah Sarnoff, ABC News (27 March 2024), "Debate about safety of synthetic turf and 'forever chemicals' raises concerns for some."
  3. Tom Perkins, The Guardian (15 March 2024), "Athletes likely to have higher levels of PFAS after play on artificial turf – study."
  4. Environment America (13 March 2024), "Dangerous Play: Studies find harmful ‘forever chemicals’ in artificial turf fields."
  5. David Gambacorta, Barbara Laker, The Philadelphia Inquirer (12 March 2024), "Artificial turf linked to rare brain cancers among former Phillies players."
  6. Tom Perkins, The Guardian (30 September 2022), "Boston bans new artificial turf installations in city parks."
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The Petition:

To the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the U.S. Secretary of Education,

We, the undersigned, call upon the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Education to prioritize the safety and well-being of our children and communities by taking immediate action to replace potentially harmful PFAS-laden products with safer alternatives in our schools and public spaces.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), commonly known as "forever chemicals," are used in the manufacturing of artificial turf and other products due to their resistance to water, stains, and heat. However, these chemicals do not break down in the environment or the human body and can accumulate over time. Research has shown that exposure to PFAS is linked to serious health issues, including cancer, liver damage, thyroid disease, immune system disruption, and developmental problems in children.

Artificial turf fields, which are prevalent in schools and communities, have been found to contain high levels of PFAS. Individuals who play or work around these fields are at risk of absorbing these toxic chemicals through skin contact, inhalation, and ingestion. Children, due to their developing bodies and increased likelihood of close contact with the ground, are particularly vulnerable to these harmful effects.

Our Call to Action

We urge the EPA and the Department of Education to:

  1. Conduct comprehensive testing of all artificial turf products used in schools and public spaces to determine PFAS levels.
  2. Develop and implement strict regulations to limit the use of PFAS in artificial turf and other products that come into contact with children and the general public.
  3. Promote and prioritize the adoption of safer, non-toxic alternatives to PFAS-laden products in schools, playgrounds, parks, and other community areas.
  4. Increase funding and support for research into the health effects of PFAS and the development of safer materials.
  5. Educate school administrators, parents, and the community about the risks associated with PFAS and the benefits of safer alternatives.

By taking these actions, we can protect our children and communities from the harmful effects of PFAS and ensure a healthier, safer environment for future generations. Let us work together to eliminate the threat of toxic chemicals in our schools and public spaces, prioritizing the well-being of all individuals.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to your prompt action and leadership in creating a safer, healthier future.


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