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Stop the Attack on Animal Rights — Say No to Fox Hunters’ Legal Protection

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Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Join the fight to protect animals from cruel fox hunting practices. Stand with us to ensure that this barbaric tradition never gains the legal protection it seeks.

The fight for animal rights in the UK faces a new and dangerous threat. A group of fox hunters is seeking to gain protected status under the Equality Act, claiming that their belief in hunting should be treated as a protected characteristic, much like race or religion.

This outrageous bid threatens to undermine decades of progress in animal welfare and puts the lives of countless animals at risk. We cannot stand by and allow this to happen.

The Cruel Reality of Fox Hunting

Fox hunting is a cruel and barbaric practice that has no place in a compassionate society. The 2004 Hunting Act1 was passed to protect wild animals from being chased and killed by packs of dogs. This law reflects the values of the majority of the British public, who overwhelmingly support the ban on hunting with dogs. Yet, the lobbying group Hunting Kind, led by Ed Swales, is now trying to use the Equality Act to secure legal protections for those who want to revive this brutal tradition2.

The Flawed Argument for Protection

Swales argues that fox hunters face discrimination and deserve the same legal protections as minority groups. He claims that hunting is a cultural heritage that has been unfairly targeted by the law, and that hunters have suffered social media abuse, job loss, and public shaming because of their beliefs2. But this argument fails to recognize the fundamental difference between protecting people’s beliefs and protecting a practice that inflicts suffering on sentient beings.

Why This Must Be Opposed

Animal rights activists and legal experts have strongly opposed Swales’ claims. They point out that the purpose of the Equality Act is to safeguard beliefs that are worthy of respect in a democratic society—beliefs that do not conflict with the fundamental rights of others. Extending this protection to a practice that causes harm to animals is not only legally questionable but morally wrong3.

The True Victims: The Animals

Fox hunting is not a cultural practice worthy of protection; it is a cruel tradition that has been condemned by the majority of society. The hunting community, traditionally composed of wealthy landowners and aristocrats, hardly qualifies as an oppressed minority. To grant them special protection under the law would be an insult to the very idea of equality2.

The suffering inflicted on foxes during hunts is well-documented. Hounds tear foxes apart, chase stags to exhaustion, and even kill pets in their path. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) has condemned the use of dogs for hunting, citing the significant suffering it causes to both the hunted animals and the dogs involved4. Granting protected status to fox hunters would not only embolden those who wish to continue this practice but also weaken the entire framework of the Equality Act, opening the door to other harmful practices seeking similar recognition3.

Public Sentiment and the Need for Action

The current Labour government has pledged to close the loophole that allows for trail hunting, where dogs follow a pre-laid scent instead of a live animal. However, critics argue that this practice is often used as a cover for illegal hunting, with foxes frequently being killed despite the supposed safeguards in place6. We must ensure that our laws reflect the values of compassion and humanity, not the interests of a privileged few.

Sign the Petition Today

Now is the time to take action. We cannot allow the rights of animals to be sacrificed for the sake of an outdated and cruel tradition. By signing this petition, you will be standing up for the voiceless and helping to ensure a more humane and just society for all.

Let’s make it clear that we will not stand for this attempt to undermine animal welfare. Sign the petition today and help protect the rights of animals from those who seek to exploit them under the guise of cultural heritage. Together, we can ensure a better future for all.

More on this issue:

  1. The Crown Prosecution Service (2022), “Hunting Act 2004, The
  2. Matthew Weaver, The Guardian (12 August 2024), "Pro-foxhunting group says UK hunters should be protected ethnic minority."
  3. Amelia Nierenberg, The New York Times (26 August 2024), "Fox Hunters in the U.K. Want Protected Status Under Discrimination Law."
  4. Claire Hamlett, Plant Based News (13 August 2024), "Fox Hunters Seek To Be ‘Protected Minority Group’ Under Equality Laws."
  5. Colin Fernandez, Daily Mail (12 August 2024), "Fox hunters 'should be protected under equality laws' like Roma and LGBTQ+ people, campaign group claims as it seeks legal protection for those who have pro-hunting views."
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The Petition:

To The Right Honorable Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, The Right Honorable Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, The Right Honorable Minister for Equalities, and Honorable Members of Parliament,

We, the undersigned, urge you to oppose any efforts to grant protected status under the Equality Act to individuals or groups advocating for fox hunting in the United Kingdom.

Fox hunting is a cruel and outdated practice that inflicts unnecessary suffering on animals for sport. The 2004 Hunting Act was enacted to protect animals from this very cruelty, and any attempt to classify a belief in hunting as a protected characteristic under discrimination laws is not only legally dubious but morally indefensible.

The Equality Act was designed to protect individuals from discrimination based on immutable characteristics or deeply held beliefs that are worthy of respect in a democratic society. To extend this protection to a practice that involves the pursuit and killing of sentient beings undermines the very principles of equality and justice that the Act is meant to uphold. It is a move that would prioritize the interests of a privileged few over the welfare of countless animals, and it disregards the strong public sentiment against fox hunting.

Compassion and humanity should be the guiding principles of our laws. Protecting a belief system that causes harm to animals not only erodes these values but also sets a dangerous precedent for the future. As lawmakers and leaders, it is your responsibility to ensure that our laws reflect the moral and ethical standards of our society. We ask you to stand firm in protecting the rights of animals and to reject any efforts to grant protected status to those who seek to revive this cruel practice.

By taking a stand against this proposal, you will be ensuring a more humane and just society for all, one that values and respects the rights of both humans and animals. Your actions will help secure a better future where compassion and ethical treatment of all living beings are at the forefront your nation’s laws and policies.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.


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