Stories of Hope

Share your inspiring, hopeful story of how autism touched you.

The Birth of me

The Birth of me

Real happy to be a typer. Before typing, I was a silent soul who felt lonely and angry. I had things to say, but no sounding voice or even a body that could gesture with intent, so no one could find me. I was alone and alive only inside. People thought I had no act to play out on life’s stage. They thought I was a shell with no inhabitant.

My family loved me. But I could only receive, not give. Wishes were ignored because of my silence. People tried to help me but could not know me well.

A day came when my speech therapist figured out how I could type by pointing to letters, and then my life changed to a fulfilling one where I could have power and happiness.

The birth of me.

The start of giving and of new and deep relationships.

Becoming real!

Sarah Stup
Frederick, MD

Logic and the Front of the Book

Logic and the Front of the Book

My son has high functioning autism or Asperger's. Understanding how we communicate and what our language means was his biggest challenge. This means that trying to understand what he was trying to say was difficult too. Please note that he spoke very clearly. He just had a different way of looking at things.
One day, he was asked where the front of the book was. It took him a long time to figure it out. He finally showed us the paper edge. We asked him why that was the front of the book and he said, "The spine is the back, much the same as it is with us."

Myrrena Schwegmann
Denver, CO

My Early Story with Autism.

My Early Story with Autism.

HI, my name's Larissa. And as an individual with Autism, I want to share some of my experiences. (Some of the memories I tried to remember are according to my mom told unto me) It all started when I was born on the stormy day of October 18, 1994, in the island of Saipan, Mom told me how she struggled a lot with my alcoholic father, my sister with asthma attacks, and my new birth to this world. Mom always trusts big responsibility to my sister for watching me while she goes to work. Mom hired a maid during a few years, until one day, the most recent maid was fired due to negligence, when attempted to hit me on a wall. At that time, I couldn't remember if she really hit my head by accident, or on purpose. But either way, it was over, as my mom quit her job for years working @Nikko Hotel. It was very hard for my mom, since her job really supported the family, treating me and my sister to nice restaurants and pretty places, but she had to sacrifice it, since no one else can watch us. Not even my father could watch us well enough at that time.
So we depended on my father's financial support, however not much, and became gradually poor. But my mom never regretted to stay, for our safety. Then over the years continued, My father, still alcoholic, my sister graduated elementary and middle school with many awards & trophies earned, I was in 2nd grade, (since that's the starting point of my memories) I realized my behavior was unusual. I started to have bullies in school throughout those years. By the age of 10, my mom finally got me diagnosed with Autism, @Community Health Center. While my mom continues the struggle for me, my sister joining the military after high school graduation, and my father finally quitting his alcoholism, due to his sickness, I am still pressing on, ready for the ongoing obstacles before me... (to be continued...)

Larissa Marie
Mililani, HI

My Story with Autism (continued)

My Story with Autism (continued)

As I graduated elementary school, I felt as if it's over, however, I also felt that there'll be many more challenges I'm about to face. Mom continued to support me throughout the years. She teached me many things as she could about getting through life's challenges. She exposed me to different places, to learn. I began to school @Hopwood Junior High, while mom applied me for services for Special Education. It was still hard for me to find good friends, and I was super nervous during my 1st year of middle school. I had some new bullies, but still tried to move on. I think around that time, my mom and I joined the Autism Society, along with other members who shared their stories about their children with Autism. Together, we try to build a strong foundation in the group. I met a good friend of mine who also has Asperger's Syndrome, like me, and shared almost the same interests. With the group, we had lots of fun, celebrating Autism Awareness Month every year, and doing fun activities around the island. Furthermore, I made it through middle school, and learned lots more. Finally, I was schooling @Kagman High as a Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior. Unfortunately then, we had to move, with so much tears, we could not forget how many years we've been living in our own home since mom & dad got married, leaving behind unforgettable memories when I used to play my ball back and forth in the living room, and all the veggies and fruits my mom and dad maintained, we had no choice, due to our late time of house payment. Luckily, my mother and I found a place to live, while my father stays at his mom's house. We couldn't stay together from now on, since my Dad's still high-tempered. And during the year, I finally Graduated as a Senior @Mariana High School. I was improving, and learned more things that I possible could. My mom was so proud of me, and how much I've grown during the years. Yet... (to be continued...)

Larissa Marie
Mililani, HI

My Early Story with Autism.

My Early Story with Autism.

HI, my name's Larissa. And as an individual with Autism, I want to share some of my experiences. (Some of the memories I tried to remember are according to my mom's experiences shared to me) It all started when I was born on a stormy day of October 18, 1994, in the island of Saipan, Mom told me how she struggled a lot with my alcoholic father, my sister with some asthma attacks, and my new birth to this world. Mom always trusts big responsiblity to my sister for watching me "without a blink" she says, while she works. Mom hired maids during a few years, until one day, the last maid was fired due to negligence to me, when attempted to hit me on a wall. At that time, I couldn't remember if she really hit my head by accident, or on purpose. But either way, it was over, as my mom quit her job for years working @Nikko Hotel. It was very hard for my mom, since her job really supported the family, treating me and my sister to nice restaurants and pretty places, but she had to sacrifice quitting the job, since no one else can watch us. Not even my father could watch us well enough at that time.
So we depended on my father's financial support, however not much, and became poor gradually. But my mom never regretted to stay, for our safety. Then over the years continued, My father, still alcoholic, my sister graduated elementary and middle school with many awards & trophies she earned. By 2nd grade, (since that's the starting point of my memories) I realized my behavior was unusual. I started to have bullies in school throughout those years. By the age of 10, my mom finally got me diagnosed with Autism, @Community Health Center. While my mom continues the struggles for me, my sister joining the military after high school graduation, and my father finally quitting his alcoholic ways, due to his sickness, I am still pressing on, ready for the ongoing obstacles before me... (to be continued...)

Larissa Marie
Mililani, HI

My most amazing gift

My most amazing gift

This is my beautiful, intelligent and artistic daughter Madeline. At 5 years old she was diagnosed with PDD-NOS, ADHD combined and Sensory Integration issues. She is in regular classes, receives OT, Speech & Social Skills training at her school. She also takes non- competitive Gymnastics classes once a week which is excellent in helping her with focus and coordination. She has intense interests in Dinosaurs & Meteorology. She loves playing online games and lately has been drawing up a storm in her sketchbooks (this is a new hobby). She would prefer not to interact with children her age, but will most of the time, and is still working on maintaining eye contact. She has an incredible memory and is an AMAZING reader! She has come a long way since her diagnosis and talks about wanting to to college to be a Scientist. She is a very sweet little girl and does not let her challenges hinder her. In many ways, her diagnosis makes her all the more special in many good ways. For parents out there dealing with a new diagnosis, I know it is hard, it is scary and it is heartbreaking. But fight hard and make sure you can get your child access to every resource possible to help them. We love our little girl, our youngest, the only girl out of 3 children, her "normal" is our "normal" and we love every amazing thing about her!

Atlanta, GA

Always A Tear Never Defeated

Always A Tear Never Defeated

Born January 17, 1993, a beautiful little girl, Kala. Milestones were not where they should have been. Kala is now 22 years of age, a young woman, having come so far and yet so far to go. Never give up.. My daughter has taught me things. Kala has no speech and uses a spring board lite to communicate. I found perfume free dye free products have helped with behaviours. We sometimes tend to forget when our kids cannot talk we must make sure they are physically comfortable. I use lactose intolerance milk. We avoid spicy foods. I have been blessed in that Kala loves food and will eat most anything. She sleeps very well. Never wandered. We have had our share of behaviours. Getting rid of one bad behavour only to get another. Probiotics have been her best friend and really makes a differance. I keep an air cleaner in her bedroom. We have occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech and behavour programming. Never give up. We are blessed, after all God gives these children to special parents. yes we are special. God Speed.


Dolores B Lindo
Sudbury, Canada

Learning Patience

Learning Patience

My daughter Carleigh is 4 years old. She did not meet the milestones that her older sister did and she was a much more difficult eater than Ashleigh was too. While I thought something wasn't quite "normal" about her lack of vocabulary or the inability to say mama or dada at 2, I listened as others tried to convince me that Carleigh was just a delayed talker and that she would come around. Ashleigh, 2 years older, was showing signs of delay and we had her tested by the county school system. During that home visit, the evaluator noticed some concerning behaviors that Carleigh displayed. She had Carleigh tested as well, the results showing severe developmental and speech delays. Carleigh was diagnosed as nonverbal autistic with sensory processing disorder by a developmental pediatrician. I'm glad I had answers, I was happy to have a plan and I felt guilty for all the times I became frustrated with a sleepless night, a random meltdown or a battle at dinner time. My life changed with that diagnosis. I became a mom that could tolerate an outburst. I no longer lose my mind with the late nights of trying to calm my little girl down. I have learned from Carleigh and her teachers different ways to communicate with her and the frustration is starting to disappear from all of us. Because of her, I am more aware of the population increase of these special children and have started training to be a therapeutic horseback riding instructor so I might be able to help other children on the spectrum. Carleigh is currently in school and making huge strides. She's using a PECS book to communicate, follows a visual schedule and is starting to learn how to use an AAC device. Of all the success she's had, the best one by far was the moment she started saying mommy and daddy which was just within the last couple of months. It was a long wait to hear those words, but a wait well worth it.

Lindy Knapp
Spotsylvania, VA

Analytical Aspie: Wife, mother and Me

Analytical Aspie: Wife, mother and Me

My name is Dana Long Affrunti and I have Aspergers. I am a wife, mommy and BCBA. Growing up, my love was animals and behavior. I was the go to girl if you wanted to find the perfect breed of dog to match your life. I was the teen to call if you wanted a dedicated caretaker for your dogs. I could often be found in the swamp looking for frogs, tadpoles, snakes , followed by younger neighborhood kids. I grew up with near a zoo in my bedroom including several snakes a green iguana, lizards, mice, guinea pig, chinchilla, a dog, turtle, and a sugar glider. Although I am an observant social investigator/learner my success can be attributed to my dedicated tenacious mother, who never stopped setting me up for success then ‘kicking me through the door’ as she liked to say. I was also fortunate to have a great group of girls in my girl school troop who were always there for me. While I did most things different than my peers I graduated valedictorian of Brighton MI high school. With my Fletcher, service dog/co-pilot in life, I graduated from Hope college in Holland Michigan. It was my intention to go to vet school to become an applied veterinary behavior specialist but instead I found my true calling in behavior analysis and earned my masters degree from Southern Illinois University in Behavior Analysis and Therapy. My husband is understanding of my quirks and loves me all the more for them. My kiddos are my joy! Empowering individuals and families through applied behavior analysis is my passion.

Dana Affrunti
Springfield, IL

Two Brothers

Two Brothers

We have two boys. Our first son, Caleb, is gorgeous with pale skin, dark hair, and blue eyes while our second son, Toby, is a handsome dusty blond guy with amber colored eyes. Caleb is what most people consider "high functioning" and is going into Jr. High in a general education classroom, and Toby is going to be attending kindergarten in a special autism classroom for those with moderate to severe autism. They will never go to school together, more due to their age gap than their autism, but they learn together at home every day.

Words flow from my oldest son's mouth like water from Niagara Falls, and for my youngest, they have to be coaxed and drawn out like collecting dew on a desert morning. As their mom, I can tell you that both experiences are awe inspiring.

They are the perfect pair. Despite their age differences, they enjoy watching animal documentaries and Blues Clues with each other. When my youngest speaks a phrase that perplexes us, my oldest knows exactly what he is referring to. Caleb is so proud of every new thing that his baby brother learns, and Toby worships the ground his big brother walks on. And while sometimes there will be crying when Caleb wrestles too roughly with his little brother, or when Toby sometimes ruins his older brother's things, they have a deep love and understanding towards one another.

They are both perfect contrasts and mirrors of each other and, as brothers tend to be, even though they are on different paths in life, they are still traveling together.

Sam G
Sanger, CA