3 of my favorite young men

There are three young men I love with Autism, children of two friends. Each of them have been at some point diagnosed with Autism, and each of them have a dear place in my heart, and many fun and wonderful memories.

They are all smart and express themselves in different ways. One of them, he remembers tons of facts and dialogue from tv shows and movies. I love how he will talk to others, including myself, as if our memories work the same as his, "Remember that time in Harry Potter when ....." His perfect recall is amazing, and I love that I learn a lot from him when around him.

My two other young men, I met later. Though they are brothers, they have very different personalities. The youngest one took to me more quickly, his focus was often lacking, unless he was getting into mischief. I'll never forget coming downstairs one time, to find him skating across the kitchen floor in his socks, having sprayed Pam on the floor, and discovering he could slide in his socks. The other, one of his older brothers, initially would not look at, or talk to me, but eventually he was a chatterbox who will make some direct eye contact, and even surprised me by cuddling up to me one night while I was babysitting, showing me the booklet his teacher had helped him create. Both have come leaps and bounds thanks to the dedication of their family and teachers.

All three of these young men have thrived with their parents love and support, and the understanding of members of their school of the assistance the boys may need. I love each of them for their uniqueness and intelligence. I am grateful to have them and their families in my life.

Rebecca Pfaff
Greensboro, NC