A Musical Journey

Hello there! My name is Jeffrey Oliver.

I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome at the age of 8. I will be 21 later this year, so I've had quite a few years to learn about myself and discover my strengths and weaknesses. While I know there's nothing wrong with them, I'm extremely secretive about my weaknesses, fears and obsessions. Some of them, I've never told anyone, not even my parents.

My biggest strength, without a doubt, is music. I learned to play guitar when I was 9, and almost immediately began writing my own songs. Just a few years later, I was performing live in bars and restaurants. In 2012, I recorded and released my first full-length album of all original songs. Today, I sing in a Rock band, and I'm working on my second solo album; a concept album based on my good and bad experiences with autism. With this, I feel like I've finally found the strength and the right words to properly explain and express my weaknesses, fears, and obsessions within the lyrics of the songs. I know I'll always have my weaknesses, but perhaps making this album with help me to someday be okay with talking about them.

I've never been very good with speaking the right words, especially on the spot. With my music, I feel like I can deliver a message much more clearly, in a more powerful way, and in a way anyone in the world can connect with it. The overall message I've always tried to send is basically "You can win". My songs are all about motivation, positive thinking, never giving up easily, and picking up those that are down. My purpose is always to help others.

It's not always easy, but despite all my fears and weaknesses, I walk out my front door everyday and face the world. And I'm hoping that someday someone will listen to my album and find the strength to face a struggle in their lives.

Thank you for reading! :)

Jeffrey Oliver
Toledo, OH