A new friend in an unexpected way!

Up until about almost a year ago my son was actually ahead of others his age. He was saying the names of close relatives and friends (or at least trying to). Well he ended up going back to just babbling and making noises and at first I thought it was a sibling jealousy thing because he had a baby brother who didn't speak yet. What I wouldn't give to hear him say I love you again. My parents told me I should speak with his doctor about having him evaluated for autism. I didn't listen. Well a couple weeks later I spoke with a neighbor whose son was diagnosed and my son and hers were very much alike in a lot of ways. The boys now play together and she and I are best friends. Then I decided to speak with his doctor about it. My two year old boy was diagnosed August 5, 2013 at 10:47am. Before I went to this appointment I had researched and thought I had prepared myself but it didn't help much. I knew it wasn't anything terminal but it still hurt. I had actually asked my mother " Why mom? Why my baby boy?" But I have learned that it is a different journey and it has made every bit of progress he has made in the last couple of months that much sweeter. My one year old is a different story he has been behind on everything since he was six months old and still does not say anything and is being evaluated for autism in November. So through all o this my son and I gained new friends.

Bloomington, IN