A Single Mom's Story.........

I believe babies are born with Autism. Looking back on the day my son was born I truly believe he was born with this and there is nothing I or any doctor could have done to change this. God made us who we are and He knows of us while we are developing in the womb. It's natural for people to look for answers and gain reasoning on why did this happen to my child? What did I do to cause this? What could I have done to prevent this? All of these questions are here to try and find a way to "fix it" when in reality there is no fixing Autism. We cannot force our children to "be like other kids" and do things that they do because children with Autism are different. My son stopped doing things such as waving bye bye and suddenly got extremely picky with foods he used to gobble up now all of a sudden he acted like he was scared of them. He finally began to crawl at 13 months old and walked shortly after at 15 months old. He always had an interest in his hands and inspected everything he touched. He wants to know how things work. I learn so much from my 3 year old son everyday and I have been truly blessed to watch him grow and learn.

Lenexa, KS