Adam Matthew

This is my son Adam. He was born on his due date at a healthy 8 lb 2 oz, although from there he was in the hospital for a week due to irregular breathing & jaundice. He was a very active baby, constantly awake but not fussy, he just seemed interested in everything going on in the world around him. He was an early crawler & walker but behind in his speech. Looking back I suppose I thought something was different but it wasn’t until he was 4 & I knew he was going to start school that I decided to admit he may have Autism. Family members had suggested it a few times but I was in denial. It’s funny, I thought I was totally justified in wanting to protect my child because I thought having Autism meant something was “wrong” with him or that he would be ridiculed but it’s the total opposite! Adam is the sweetest, funniest & most loving child. Everyone thinks of him as just Adam, not Adam with Autism.
He plays every sport the boys & girls club offers, not because he is the best player but because he enjoys the socializing & I enjoy watching him learn to dribble a ball, run the bases & get excited when he pulls a flag. He is a great big brother, cousin & best friend. Sometimes I struggle with the reality that he may not get married or have children but when I look into his big brown eyes & he tells me he loves me it's all worth it. He has taught me patience, acceptance, perseverance, strength & unconditional love in his seven short years. Some days I just want to sleep & eat new things but I wouldn't trade this life for anything!

Victoria Cooper
Terre Haute, IN