Aiden my hero

My son name is Aiden Cardenas, he was born March 21, 2006. Aiden was born at 21 weeks and weighed 2lbs 6 ounces. For the first 3 months of his life aiden was hospitalized when he was finally able to come home he adapted to his environment well. Aiden received numerous amounts of therapy over the next several years. Being so premature it was necessary, we started realizing Aiden was different at the age of 3. Besides his lack of speech Aiden was socially withdrawn, we would often find him hysterical when he was surrounded by new people. We assumed that since he was an only child maybe he just wasn't being exposed enough to other children, or people. Aiden qualified for early school because of his speech and physical impediments. It was during this time that one if his teachers suggested that he might be autistic. After many visits to specialists, behavior therapist and neurologists Aiden was diagnosed with the autism spectrum disorder pdd. I am so relived as his mother to finally know what is going on with my son and how I can help him. Aiden is now 6, he is loved and supported by many people. He has touched many lives with his own out look on life. He is going to a public school where he continues to get support from awesome teachers, and therapists. Aiden is aware of his disorder and is working hard to live his life to the fullest.. I am proud of my son, he has fought for his life since the day he was born. He has overcome more obstacles than most. He is a beautiful human being, and has made me a better person ,he has saved my life.

Kimberly Hernandez
San antonio, TX