Amazing, Unique,Talented, Intelligent, Super, Marvelous

When Renia turned three and her speech wasn't where we felt it should be, we told her doctor. He said not to worry and that it was just speech delay. He recommended speech therapy and we agreed to that. However, at age 4 when she started preschool, we were still concerned about her speech. Also, a few other people had mentioned autism to us before but we didn't know anything about it. Her doctor's assistant saw Renia in 2011 and told us we should have her evaluated and tested for autism. She said even if she doesn't have it, it would be good to know for sure. Several months went by while we waited to for her to be tested, and in June of 2012, it was confirmed that she had mild to moderate autism, high functioning.
Renia is a very happy child. She started taking drum lessons at age 3, and dance classes at age 4. She's super energetic, always playing and moving about. She loves the computer. She even knows how to shut the computer down! As I am concerned about her beginning elementary school, I have faith that she will do just fine. I refuse to let this stop her from achieving great things. My husband and I have to encourage her. We have to support her. We have to be an advocate for her until she's able to speak for herself. And if her speech doesn't fully develop, our love for her doesn't stop. I love my child unconditionally. I believe God has purpose for my daughter. Believe in your children, encourage them, pray for them, utilize all the services available and it will okay.

Acquanetta Moore
Detroit, MI