Autism and my life as a mom

Hi my name is Misty and i have an 8 year old little boy who has Pervasive Developmental Disorder. My life has forever changed when i gave birth to this amazing little boy. When he was born i knew that something was not right. I had asked the Dr many times what was wrong with my son and was always told that he was "NORMAL" . I have gone through the last 7 years asking myself if there something i did to have this happen. I have an older child who had to leave my home and go live with my mother because my son was using her as a target. I have just recently gotten the PDD diagnosis in June of this year. Everyday is a struggle but he is my bundle of joy and i love him to the ends of the earth. I am in the process of getting services in place that will help him in the future. He is very bright and smart but his behavior gets in the way of his learning. I am finding that the school is not very helpful in all this. i lay in bed at night cry so i don't cry in front of my son and have him think its all his fault. i am told every day that this is my fault and that i need to learn how to parent better. this by no means is all my fault. With all these issues i think i have grown stronger and am becoming a better person. I go out to the store and get dirty looks every time i turn around. I just wish that more people in this world today understood what i deal with everyday and how i struggle behind closed doors. i always try to have a smile on my face and act like things are good.

misty s davidson
plattsburgh, NY