Autism.... Andrew and I.

At a warm Spring day, Andrew was born.
Andrew was very healthy, his doctor wanted me to take him to see a specialist, after lots of testing and questions, they told me the diagnostic.
I had no information what it was, I Google AUTISM, my whole world came crashing down.
Why my son, Why me?! I just wanted one ''perfect'' child, why this was happening to me. Sadness and guilty filled my soul.
I wasn't in denial, but I had hopes in my heart, maybe just maybe they were wrong.
At 9 months old he started the early intervention, Andrew was always smiling, at his small self he was holding his end like a Champ.
Me on the other hand, had to deal with a husband in denial and abusive,my marriage was done.
Andrew was almost 3 years old, I was a single Mom, trying to survive day by day.
Some days, I felt depressed, drained, I just wanted the world to stop and I could step down for a bit.
Autism broke me down, Autism got all my dreams shredded.
There will be days full of frustrations, tiredness, lots of crying,almost getting me to the point of giving up.
Giving up is not an option, my son is my life, he gives me hope to keep going and better myself.
Andrew now is about to be 8 years old, bright, adorable boy, people tells me how mannered and smart he is, I often got that, ''Are you sure, he is Autistic?!''. I smile and say,Yes He is.
Makes me feel good and see what we are doing together is working. I never let Autism keep me and my son down.
Autism made me see the world through Andrew's eyes, everyday is a gift, happiness is at my everyday life.
Autism made me realize I am stronger that I thought I ever could it be.
I know we have a long journey in front of us, still a lot to learn, to fight for.
Autism is losing this battle, Me and Andrew will live happy ever after.

Lowell, MA