Autism changed my life in the blink of an eye

I went 16 years without knowing. Not knowing anything about it until they did testing on me and told me I had NLD (Non verbal learning disability. On the Autism spectrum) It didn't sink at first I was sort of confused. My life changed so fast after that, everything made sense though being diagnosed everything now fit like a puzzle. I was scared embarrassed frustrated all these over whelming thoughts. My mom however is like superman she was there every step of the way doing research talking to other parents and people with NLD. She wanted to know as much as possible to be able to help me. At first I was reluctant I didn't know what would change or how I would be. Come to find out nothing really changed Im just like everyone else most people don't even know I have NLD or the impact it has on me. One outlet my mom told me was I needed to workout because I would get so many thoughts in my head so much rushing I was always overwhelmed or very anxious with no outlet. Finally after mom prying me to sign up I finally did. I have basically lived in a gym ever since. I work as a fitness coach now and get to help people everyday! I train day in and day out. I have watched my body grow, I have adjusted my diet and how I approach life. Now In October 2014 I will be competing in the NPC East Coast Cup Championship in Men's Physique ! To anyone with autism or on the spectrum just remember you are no different then anyone else, if you have a dream chase it ! make it a reality because we have so much passion and love we want to shine it on the world !

Tyler Hutchinson
Salem, NH