autism dsnt stop me

im adult wth autism-al mi life i hav fought tu gt independence fr miself -im an artist an ilustrator whm didnt talk until i ws 12 or 13-b k whn i ws growin up in 60s nt mch was knoun abt mi dsab ility as we ar a mistery an stil is -autism afects everythng ab out u -interactin qwth ppl is mi b ggest chalinges an mi art cmunikates when im unab le tu -i adv ocate an promo as autism tu me is important caus i want othr autistiks tu hav a future b etter then the groupo homes an fster homs i livv ed in b ein told i cnt achieve-autism is a misterry yese same as mui dylexia im a fighter fr autism equazlity an our dignity as ppl-al mi life i struggled tu fuit ina werld nor t created fr ppl with autism-society needs tu understand tht we hav ab ility an that we can du many things dspoite the limitations tht autism imposed on me -im independent an hav b een severl years an i hlp tu mak the werld lern tolerance an avceptance fr ppl lik me in the werk i du over internet in gttin aceptance out -autism is how mi brain ws created beautifulli different an im loud an im proud that im autistik

paonia, CO