Autism will not have Aiden

Aiden is the rock of our family, he is the strongest most loving soul in our lives and he has had our hearts since the day he was born, there is so much more to share about Aiden that there simply is not enough paper in the world to write everything about our little love. We don't believe that autism is a incurable disorder all it takes is knowledge and understanding to help your autistic child move forward.

Aiden was diagnosed with autism by the age of 3, as many other austistic children, he met all his milestones early on but when the hand flapping and late night tantrums begin that was our sign, immediately we had him evaluated through the Autism Network in San Antonio, TX.

Autism does not define Aiden, he has so many talents his feelings are just like yours and mine, he learns things because we show him and not just tell him, he still needs help with his social interactions because he gets scared with loud noise and when a lot of people are around and we know that too requires patience. Our family NEVER has had thoughts like "If he just would" or "Why can't he" after all he did not ask to have AUSTISM, our family views his autism as a different ability and not a disability, we look past his limitations and see the gift that autism has given him.

Aiden is well mannered and very polite, he will always say please & thank you and if he hears you sneeze even if he is three rooms down the hall he will say "Bless you" he loves riding the bus to school, loves making his rounds at his school campus to visit favorite teachers and office staff, loves his Ipad, loves his teacher Mrs. Davis, loves his family, loves hugs, kisses, loves Jesus and yes he knows what love is.

I can't wait to see what else Aiden learns this year and what he becomes in the future and this can only happen with us his family as his foundation.

Mary Camacho
Devine, TX