Autumn Rose

Autumn's story begins in November of 2009 a healthy and happy baby girl. Autumn was our first born child. From the get go, we could tell she was definitely going to be an individual, one who went against the grain. She was always a little different from other toddlers her age, that didn't matter to us because we love Autumn the way she is (she is perfect). When development was lacking by the age of 3, we finally sought out a professional diagnosis. It was just as we thought, she falls somewhere on the spectrum. After a painstaking process of evaluations and appointments and filling out form after document after letter she finally started receiving ABA services as of October 2013. Since then, she continues to make amazing progress. Autumn now can do so many things that we weren't sure if she was even capable of previously. For instance, she is starting to communicate via ASL as well as beginning to make many vocalizations. She's feeding herself with her own utensil's, AT THE TABLE!! She's flown through the first two phases of PECS (picture exchange communication system). Not to mention she mastered using the potty in just over a month. She continues to amaze us at what she's accomplished and leaves us full of nothing but hopes and dreams for her future. She's still for the most part non verbal at this point, but we think it's the cutest thing when she mutters her "ay ay ay puh!" Oh that's good talking Autumn, here's your iPad. We are so proud of her, she is our most difficult test and also our most rewarding. We love her so very much, we couldn't imagine our lives without our precious Autumn Rose.

Victoria Manzo
Fresno, CA