My daughter, Avery Ann, was born on April 17, 2009. I noticed very early on when she was about 2 months old that something wasn't right. She was unable to hold her head up and her muscles just weren't as strong as should of been. I approached our pediatrician with this and we started therapy at 6 mths old. We also did CTs, MRIs and bloodwork and all showed nothing. My daughter started clapping very early on and continues to clap for almost everything. She started crawling at almost 2 and shortly after started walking. She has bad anxiety at times, stomps her feet and waves her arms up and down when mad. She is also a smart, beautiful, loving young girl. She has been nothing but a complete blessing in my entire family. Everytime she does something new, it's a celebration in our home! Her sister and brother understand she is different but special and they protect her in the sweetest little ways! She is the perfect addition to our complete family! She is almost five now and has recently started Pre-K, which was a HUGE step for me. She only goes a few times a week and only in the mornings. She has a private aid that stays with her at all times. She loves school and playing with the kids. She is still completely nonverbal. I dream of the day when I hear her say mommy. It is the only thing I can say that concerns me. All of the other stories on here, most of the children are speaking by her age. Avery is more like a baby in a way than a grown toddler. She's still in diapers and does not feed herself well and chokes very easy. I'm hoping by sharing our story, that there are some others with the same that can relate. She does Pysical, speech and occupational therapy weekly and has made great progress. We love Avery as big as the moon and I believe God gave her to us for a reason and I am forever thankful that he did!

Nikki Hebert
Jennings, LA