Baby Grace

I knew when Gracie was a little over a year old that something wasn't right. She is the 3rd out of 4 children. She crawled at 5 months & walked at 10 months but never made any noises (no coo's) rarely cried & no eye contact. I brought up my concerns every doctor visit & he said every child develops differently. Finally I had enough and wanted answers. I did research and believed she had autism and wanted her tested. I got her tested at 22 months and her results showed her to be around 6 months to 10 months in almost all categories. I started early intervention & went head on into doing as much as I can at home. She was just tested again (at her 6 month check up) and is now at 18 months to 22 months (she is now 28 months old) she has made such a great leap & we are so proud of our little angel. She has started to say a couple words but they are few and far between. She does have major sensory issues that we are trying to help her with. She broke her crib because she jumps (like a trampoline) for long periods of time at night. She also wont keep cloths on. She spins, we got her this zebra bouncer toy that spins and she loves it! She also loves deep bear hugs. She requires a lot of pressure sessions throughout the day.

But she loves to laugh and be tickled! She is affectionate and loves songs (twinkle, twinkle and ABC are some of her favorites). She loves puzzles, especially number or color puzzles. She has an obsession with numbers and colors! We bought her an ipad mini and I loaded a bunch of educational fun games for her along with some sing alongs/nursery rhymes (fisher price apps are great). She also started coloring. I was nervous at first with how she was going to progress but she amazes us everyday and I couldn't love her more!

Croydon, PA