Because of Ignorance.

My son Nicholas was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when he was 11. I had spent the previous three years trying to find out why he refused to talk with anyone at school even though he was being bullied daily. The bullying continued. He was the perfect target, the others knew he wouldn't tell. When he finally gained some inches and pounds he put a stop to the bullying himself. Judevine's "Buddy System" and Nick's two friends James and Ed were what helped him get through to graduation.
After high school his friends helped him get jobs, first at J.C. Penny in maintenance then at Walmart pushing carts. The cart pushing was perfect for him even though Nick is smart enough to pursue any career he wanted. He was contented doing something that involved the same thing everyday, He met a girl, Jenelle; and fell in love. They are still together and it's been over six years. He nearly lost her due to his embarrassment and refusal to tell her. He left her with me crying one day over his cold attitude. I explained to her that he has Asperger's Syndrome, a high functioning form of Autism making it impossible for him to feel empathy. Because she cared about him she stayed with him, which has not been easy at times. Many of her friends and family don't understand why she puts up with his outbursts of name calling or never wanting them to go anywhere. This makes it even harder.
Nick did not put Asperger's on any of his applications, and it cost him his job when he was fired for something that a simple conversation could have cleared up. Inappropriate language. That was in 2009 and he has not worked a full time job since. He still refuses to tell anyone, he says they'll treat him like a "retard". Not a nice word but probably accurate of some ignorant people. I think he's wrong.
Society's ignorance, and his fear; keep him from being able to move forward with his life. And I don't know how to help.

Darla Powell
Williamsville, MO