
My son Jeffrey is such a blessing. He loves his story time with mommy. He makes me feel special every day. I had to wait almost 4 years to hear him say mommy, but now he says it all the time and I love it. God has bless me with a very special child that anyone around him falls in love with him.

Jeffrey was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3. He didn't say any words at all, but since then I've been working very hard with him every day. Also his therapies, school, reading about 10 bed stories every night had help a lot for his progress.

As a single parent I thought I was not going to be able to do this. They were many days that I woke up and went to bed crying because I didn't know if i was going to be able to help my child on my own, but God has help me through my journey. Now my son is saying a few words, and even if I work full time, the few hours that we spent together I make sure he says a lot of words :) Single parents can do this. I just want to thank the Autism Awareness because I've leaned a lot from other parents that are going thru the same situation. I really think hearing all the stories from others parents has help me a lot and give me a lot of good ideas. No body says it was going to be easy, Autism is hard to understand, but not impossible. I can only thank my god for such a special child and I hope and pray I can be the mom he deserves to have.

ventura, CA