Brendon's Success Story

My son, Brendon lost the ability to clap his hands, point, say simple words such as mama, baba, etc...This concerned me & I asked his pediatrician about his symptoms after doing much research on Autism online. She then referred me to a developmental pediatrician in which I was told it would be at least 4 months before I could get an appointment. I did not want to wait for my son to begin to get the help he desperately needed and so I took it upon myself to bring him to the National Autism Center in Randolph, MA. He then went through a series of tests and trials to determine his diagnosis. He was diagnosed as Autistic at the age of 2. He promptly began ABA therapy in the home and also had early intervention to help him learn to use sign language and make simple sounds. I really never thought I would see the day that he would be able to say Mama or I love you. Once he turned 3 he entered preschool in a special education program. He continued to receive speech and occupational therapy. He is now 4 years old and has recently been integrated into a regular classroom setting!! He can speak in full sentences and continues to receive speech and occupational therapy. His teacher says that his math skills are that of a kindergartener already! He has come so far that it is absolutely amazing. Never gave up hope for my son and always treated him as if he did not have a disability. I am so blessed to have had this experience and to watch him grow and develop into the wonderful, caring, beautiful child that he is.

Dartmouth, MA