Cole's Story

When Cole was born he was the most beautiful baby in every way possible. I was a young, first time mother who was excited, nervous, and scared all at the same time. Cole started to grow and get bigger and do all the things babies do from cooing and making faces to saying ma ma and da da. It wasn't till he was about 1 1/2 when I realized there was something different about him. He started making humming noises, flapping his hands, and spinning in circles. I realized he was different when I called him and he didn't respond in anyway. This is when I knew I had to do some research I took him to a specialist and got the diagnosis. I at first was devastated because I thought my child is going to be different for the rest of his life and struggle forever. But then I realized he just learns differently and at his own pace. Cole is 5 years old now and he has a fantastic set of people around him. I used to hate holidays, but It hasn't been till recently that he now enjoys Halloween and Christmas. I have never been so excited to see a child open a present. Before now I couldn't take him to certain stores but now he goes just about everywhere. He loves the Fourth of July. So any chance to see fireworks I love taking him just to see the excitement on his face. Cole has been non-verbal since he was 2. He has just recently because to use his words again. He now says bye bye and waves, he gives kisses, hi-fives, and is now using at least one word a day. I have never been so proud in my life and I wanted to share our story to give hope to others who probably feel the same way I did and do. But its not hopeless and I know now he is thriving and ready to learn. I'm so excited to see what the future holds for him. <3

Jackie Kimball
Newport, NC