Could the Doctor be wrong.

Anthony was born 8-25-10, My pregnancy was perfect other then the gestational diabetes. He was a perfect 8lb 3ounces, 20inches long. The only issue we had from birth, was that he wouldn't latch, the nurses said he sucked his tongue while in the womb, as most babies suck their thumbs. it was an issue, but we got around it, with bottle feedings. He reached his milestones perfect. walking at age one, said "mama", Dada" "baba", and had a personality to kill.
At around age 2, was when we started to get concerns with his speech and behavior and eating habits. He wouldn't say much other then "this one", "that one" " mommy", "daddy". that was the most of his vocabulary, and the crazy tantrums, of kicking and making a grunting noise, that i could barley handle. It became an issue when we would be around relatives where no one knew what he wanted. At around 2 and a half We then took him to my old pediatrician, and filled out a questionnaire, The doctor came back to the room after reviewing it. and said " your son has autism". I was shocked to hear someone just blurt out "Autism", with out even talking to my child. After that about 2 months later, our questions were more of needing answers, and we seeked a second opinion.
Around his 3rd birthday after talking to a specialist, she guided us into taking speech therapy. Thus far it has worked amazing for us. But we still didn't know if autism was a real factor. We then spoke to an autism specialist, where they were teetering on weather to diagnose him on the spectrum or not. But she did in order to catch it at an early stage, instead of waiting to late. As of now we are waiting for his behavioral therapist to call, and we are guided to getting him into a special needs pre-school. But We are working through it, and to this day, i wouldn't change him. Autism or not. he has an amazing spirit!

Columbus, OH