Damon's Story

I had my little boy on May 19th of 2005. He was a cute little thing everything was alright after I had him. He made all the makers that a child should make. He was walking and talking around 2 years of age. I honestly didn't think anything was wrong with him until he started school. In kindergarten that's when the teacher said she was having trouble understanding my son. That he would want to be by himself, that he would talk out in class and disrupt what the teacher was teaching and that he was having trouble making friends with others. After almost a year of receiving calls from the school about his behavior it was decided that he be tested for autism and that when we found out that my little boy had autism. Although after that everything changed for the better we where able to send him to school without receiving calls every day saying your son had done this or that. That he was getting the help he needed was a weight off of me, because for the longest time I really didn't know what was wrong with my boy. Now almost three years later he is almost able to be in a classroom setting and not get into trouble. He still needs the help with a few things but he is somewhat able to understand how to act in a social setting and what he needs to do to stay on task. I know that some people have this harder then me but am honestly great full for the help he has received in the last three years and I hope that he will continue to improve. Thank you for reading my son's story. And I hope that it will inspire you not to give up hope.

Cindy Cummings
Houston, TX