Destinee LeiAnn Renee

I had a hard pregnancy with my second child, I spent most my time in doctor's offices or the hospital. I prayed eight months for a healthy ten toed ten figured baby, finally on November 2nd, 2011, Destinee was born. Something wasn't right though, when she came into the world she wasn't crying, breathing, no heart beat, nothing; I thought I had lost my baby. After 30mintues of working on her we heard her first cry, as month's when on she grew but wasn't reaching milestones. Doctor appointment after doctor appointment, they kept telling us it was because she was a "blue baby" and she would grow out of it, but to go ahead and put her in speech therapy, physical therapy, and etc. so we did. She finally started to act like she was catching up so we quit everything like the doctor told us to, but when she turned a year in half we noticed something wasn't right. She wasn't talking no baby babble, wasn't feeling pain, nothing so we went back to the doctor and they told us we were over reacting. An on October 24,2012 we got the phone from another doctor we had taken her to saying that, "Sorry but your daughter has autism.", we were stunned and didn't know what to say. It changed our life completely, Des opened a new door to a new world for us, that we are ever so grateful for, she is our angel from heaven. She is now almost three year's old still barely talks walks with a gait and has no pain tolerance, when she is frustrated she bangs her head off walls and etc. Destinee is back in therapy and constantly going to the doctor's, learning to see things the way she does is a challenge, but every day is a new adventure an I wouldn't change it for a thing!

chelsea allen
blackwell, OK