Dylans Journey

Being a mother of 3 little boys i knew when i had my son Dylan that he was different.. He did not crawl till he was one, walk till he was 19 months and he never had a regular bowl movement not even as a baby. Dylan also did not talk till he was 3 and could not make 3 word sentences till he was 4. I had him tested at 2 for hearing problems fearing he was deaf becuase he never even responded to sound... He started speech and occupational therapy when he was 3 and was finally formally diagnosed with Autism and sensory processing disorder at the age of 4. He is extremely sensitve to sound and the buzing of any flying insect is the worst. He has a very picky diet and is hghly allergic to cinnamon. Getting these answers was not easy we had doctors appointments galore with therapist, allergists, gi's ect. Through this journey he finally started school last year in 2013 and it brought up some aggression issues within him. We went through a violent stage, hitting, kicking, biting, and having many meltdowns.We have had issues with bullies and our share of emotion.Today, I am beyond proud and amazed at this strong little boy.. Through all of this, he learned to communicate, talk in full sentences that you can understand and he taught himslef to center his emotions and tell you how he feels.. He graduated from kindergarten reading at a third grade level and just recently started first grade. Although this year has already hit some snags he continues to push through everyday.. He is truely my super hero. This little boy has inspired me so much i started my own autism comunnity website to help spread awareness. He is beyond incredible and the more he shines the more passionate i become to help the world see how truely amazing he really is...

kristina day
knoxville, TN