Her Brother's Keeper

Nick had not been diagnosed very long when we became pregnant with our daughter, Skylar. We worried. How would Nick adapt to the change a new baby would bring? How would Skylar develop a relationship with a sibling who was significantly speech and sensory impaired? It hasn't been easy, but one of the most satisfying events of my life has been watching the relationship between my children grow and deepen. Having Nick a part of our family has made us appreciate things, I think, other families may take for granted. We all remember when going to a movie, a wedding, a family vacation.....unthinkable. We are all better people for having Nick in our lives, but I think my children have benefited the most from each other. She helps Nick navigate the world in a way that I cannot as his mother. He has taught her compassion.

So, all that worry so long ago was for naught. One day my heart will take its final beat (to steal a line from a Foo Fighter's song), but no worries. My children will be in good hands. Each others.

By the way, this picture was taken at my niece's wedding this weekend. Nick is 18;Skylar is 14, and they tore up the dance floor. Nothing like a little Wayne Toups on a Saturday night!

Carla Jordan
Starks, LA