Hey Sun {Son}

July 9, 1977 A wonderful day to be born. My life changed , Another child born . I was already a Mother of 2 other children . I knew what to look for . I knew what to expect . Autisim was not in my vocabulary. As my son was best baby ever , hardly cryed , I would wake him to feed him and change him . He would lay in his crib and flutter his little fingers in front of his little face. Oh how cute . My first sign .He was alittle chunky . He had 2 siblings that did a lot for him . So when is was late sitting up , walking , Most of all talking , I started to have a light bulb go off . 2nd sign . By time he was 18 months . We went Dr, Obese and retarded . He may never be a average child . TEARS came down my face . Disbelieve on our face,
By time he was 18 months we had right Dr. He was then diagnosed. Now we can find a cure . That is what I thought .It was almost unheard of back in late 70s My son is high functioning . He didn't talk much until he was 3 1/2 years old , I read to him even when I thought his blank look was not listening . Another sign. . My Son Graduated High School , Not at top of class but so very bright in so many ways . Telling time at age 3. so many stories to tell .He figured out password Teachers computer , He heard a radio that was not dialed in to station one floor above him in High School . Drove him Crazy , They found radio . class could then carry on . A another sign, They do not look at things way we do , KEEP IT SIMPLE , Never give up , Early Childhood teaching , Pre School , Head Start , Unconditional love , They are exceptional. A rare gift .

Sharon Obanion
Trenton, MO