Hope for Aereck

Aereck was born with a long list of things wrong.
He had his first surgery at the age of 2days. Hes extremly small for his age less than 20lbs almost 3. Hes had a total of four surgeries thus far. He has five on the books for 2014.
Ive always known that there was another chapter to his story. And its Autism. He hates change, he loves a strict schedule. He only plays with the wheels of toys.. He throws awful tantrums and isnt at all easily calmed.
He has stage 2 kidney failure. Stage 5 reflux in his only kidney.
He was born with no anal opening, and was diagnosed with FTT. He has the development of a one year old, cant walk or talk but he has his ways of letting you know what he wants!

Aereck is and will always be my miracle!! *AUTISM KIDS ROCK*

barbourville, KY