Hope For Hunter

This beautiful angel turned 11 on March 5. It wasn’t until 6 months ago that I heard the word High Functioning Autism-without cognitive language impairment later to discover, Asperger’s. Ironically, they were the best words I’d ever heard! Hunter had problems during infancy and there were a lot of quirks I just couldn’t put my finger on. Everyone made excuses as to his behavior such as he’s just picky, all boy, stubborn, strong willed, etc. The biggest things that stood out as he got older was the sensory issues, meltdowns, fearlessness, and absolute non-interest in learning or playing with anyone. He only allowed you to read him one book and that was when he initiated it….”Are You My Mother”. I will never forget when he was 3 ½ years old him telling his dad to take off his training wheels. As soon as he let go of him I winced anticipating the fall but to my surprise he rode off down the street never once falling from that point on. When he began pre-k we noticed major learning/inattention/behavior issues that would result in an ADHD diagnosis. For 7 years I have fought 4 doctors, 6 therapists, 2 school districts, had 3 evaluations done both independently and through the school, and still I was told he was lazy and I was crazy. Because I knew my child and followed my gut I thankfully was able to find answers. He didn’t have early intervention and we are starting later than most, however, I am confident that now we can progress and move forward…..We have all there is….hope.

Crystal Holland
Beebe, AR