Hope... was mine to lose

My son Daniel was an incredibly bright, happy-go-lucky, playful child whose smile and laugh could fill up an entire room. However, he was a sugar junkie whose skin tone should have been Red Dye #40; an extremely picky eater, he only ate chicken nuggets, french fries, cheese sandwiches, pb&j, potato chips, chocolate milk and all the “fruity” candies that he could get his hands on. He was also a very sick little boy; ear infections, two bouts of pneumonia and multiple sinus/upper respiratory infections in two years caused a barrage of pediatrician visits, multiple rounds of antibiotics, specialists and three different blood work appointments; until finally landing us with a diagnosis (in early January of 2013) of Malnourishment/Failure to Thrive.

I went on a research rampage… Diets, Vitamins, Supplements, Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics and so much more! Within three days of implementing the diet, I began getting reports from teachers and other parents that Daniel was “like a different child”. Daniel had begun to speak to you, instead of speaking AT you, he was forming opinions and making quick decisive decisions, he was able to explain himself and began to adapt to situations. The ugly purple rings under his eyes were fading away, his complexion was no longer a pale and pasty white and his constant congestion was reducing. Daniel’s progress is nothing short of amazing and I didn’t stop there… I continued my researching and began a rigorous vitamin and supplement plan with him that we stuck to, like glue.

Inspired by Daniel’s results and wanting to spread the word, I chronicled Daniel’s story in a blog that to my total astonishment has received over 10,000+ readers and in March of 2013, I founded an organization with the single purpose of educating and advocating parents and caregivers to unlock the possibility of healing and recovery of Autism, ADHD and ALL related disorders.

Several months ago at Daniel’s 6 month neurological re-evaluation, the following words were spoken:

"Daniel no longer has any identifiable autistic characteristics, traits or behaviors. I'm removing his diagnosis..."

HOPE. It’s just that simple. I promise.

Beckey Gilliland
Lawrenceville, NJ