
My son was two when we started to see signs of major tantrums. I asked the dr time after time what is goin on with him. He would smash his head into random objects including the floors, he could pick up the kitchen chairs and actually throw them, and he ripped my moms bedroom door off the hinges. These "fits" would start over anything, even the feeling of his pants, to the sounds around him. Going to the grocery store was a big challange, he would just start screaming and want me to hold him, or not allow me to even come close. I was embarrassed at first, but now i know that it isnt something he can help, and i spread the word, when people want to start i let them know it is spd. I knew something wasnt right and since his dr. wouldnt help i decided to take it upon my self. I got him into an occupational therapy program and took him to the childrens developmental center to be screened. I was told he has Sensory processing disorder. It has only been a year and he has improved so much. He has less "fits" then he used to, and when he does i now know how to try to help soothe him. He is, thanks to my family and his big sister, expanding his vocabulary and getting better with the sounds of the letters.

Sheridan, WY