I love you

I love you doesn't have to be said by words. It can be a look, a smile, or a simple touch.it took my son's first time saying I love you for me to realize that. Louie is four in this picture and it was captured immediately after he said I love you for the first and since then last time. Louie has autism and is non verbal, yet Louie is filled with love. He is filled with affection, and he is filled with joy. He shows me more love than anyone ever has by his actions. He shows kindness by hugging random strangers, by asking for sensory squeezes from his friends at the bus stop, by kissing his brother goodnight, by showing his dad my picture when I leave for work. I have since then taught Louie how to sign I love you but I don't need it anymore. I feel his love when I walk in the room, I feel it when he pointed to me from the stage at his kindergarten graduation, I feel it when he holds up his boo boos to show me to kiss. I didn't understand that in this picture, but now I do. It took our family a very long time to figure it out, but we understand now. Louie has taught me patience, understanding and courage. More than anything, Louie has taught me love.

Nicole vinciguerra
hazlet, NJ