I have wanted a tattoo since I was 16 years old. (I am now 27). I have always wanted a Phoenix, because it represented that no matter how many times I got burned, I came back from it. When the opportunity came around for me to FINALLY have a chance to get one (I got this gem on July 28, 2014, my 27th birthday) I had decided that there was ANOTHER symbol that meant more to me.

I am part of a group on facebook called "I Run for Michael" It is a group that matches runners with a child or adult with special needs. When I say "match" it means that you dedicate your miles, workouts, hugs, smiles, well wishes and prayers to them. I am honored to say I am matched with an amazing little superhero Princess named Keona. Over the last 8 months I have been keeping in contact with her and her mom letting them know how my day went, what workout I did etc. Every time I do a run, I mail the race bib and finisher's medal to her.

Early this year, I hit my lowest of the low of low points mentally. I had completely given up on myself and life. I won't go into too much detail, but at the end of it all, I imagined her face and thought of the sadness, and maybe not even completely understanding what my "decision in life" had been and I changed. A little girl I had never met personally, who lives thousands of miles away, saved my life. She saved my life with a smile.

So having that realization, my phoenix tattoo had been put on the back burner. This one I came up with (purple is my favorite color, and my Superhero princess favorite color is pink) She is in my heart always.

Groton, CT