Identity: From crisis to mission

I'm 19 years old and on October 2012, I was diagnosed with PDD-NOS, which later on was changed or deemed to be in conjunction with Asperger's Syndrome (though all PDDs will be collectively called Autism). Throughout my life, I've always felt like I was different since I had different interests from my peers, acted differently in relation to others, and was always considered either "smart", "quiet", "shy", "nice" or a mixture of that. I also happen to be gay, and since the age of 11, I've had to deal with the knowledge that I am this way while fighting the stigma that society, and even family, loaded on my shoulders. Of course now, I am mostly accepted and more importantly, do accept the fact and truth that there's no reason why I should ever want to change any aspect of myself for sheer comfort.

But with that knowledge already causing me to feel isolated, different, lonely, awkward, and shy.... just imagine how it felt to learn that I have Autism. Initially (the first day) I was in somewhat of a state of shock. Gradually as the weeks went by and I continued on with my therapy, I started to realize that Autism was the answer for why I act, think, and am different! Combine this with a growing sense of political change within (though very much short of extremism) and I realized that my mission would be to use my skill sets, in conjunction with my passion for helping others, to change the world for the better since I am at least radical enough to think this can happen!

Though right now, I'm attending a community college, I do know that one day, what I've faced in life could change the world. One day, I want to become an artist and change people's perceptions, a lawyer and change the people's law, an activist and change people's minds, the best that I can be because I think I do deserve only the best from at least myself! I just hope I keep up my 4.0....

But thanks for reading! :)

Christopher Fornesa
Sugar Land, TX