It's Miller Time

There are several things about my children that I would change if I could, having Autism is not one of them. That may shock some people, but I happen to believe that God made my children exactly the way they are supposed to be, and who am I to want them any different? Having Autism does not define them, it is just a part of who they are.

Evan is 15. He just began his freshman year in high school. He is in the marching band (the first special needs student to do that), and he goes independently to each of his classes each day. He is funny and sweet and, at times, a huge pain, especially to his brothers.

Elliott is 13 and in the 7th grade. He is a very loving child, and always has a smile on his face. His friends are very important to him and he LOVES school. Elliott has played soccer since he was 4 and currently plays for the 7th grade soccer team.

My boys have taught more that I could ever teach them. It is because of them that I, at 40 years old, decided to go to college to become a teacher. I am currently teaching in a developmental preschool where I am blessed to be able to learn from my kiddos every day. I cannot imagine what my life would be like if anything about it was different, and I thank God for everything he has given me, especially my wonderful boys. I wouldn't change a thing.

Cyndi Miller
Lebanon, IN