It's never too early...

Our son Eli was born healthy. Around 6 months old we noticed some "quirky" body movements.He would be very upset when he wasn't in his infant jumper.He could hop all day if we let him.When he was 12 months we knew something was going on as he wasn't meeting milestones.No pointing,waving,clapping,or words.We spoke to his doctor and she seemed to think everything was okay but referred him to OT & speech therapies for his delays. During this time we also noticed he was more "lost" in himself,& he would sit around for hours spinning objects.I tried to do all the reading I could on autism,& its not easy to understand because the spectrum is so large.I tried putting together the pieces myself,& he met several red flag criteria.After a few months with no improvements we made our own appointment at the Autism Center.We got the results and they said he has moderate autism.
He was 18 months old at his diagnosis.
Now, at just a few days shy of 2 years old, he is thriving.He has intensive ABA therapy for several hours each day.My little boy who used to just sit in a corner now comes to me and leads me to what he wants.He plays correctly with toys.He babbles constantly,he follows simple commands & is improving each day with his PECS.I feel like I am finally seeing my little boy.We await the day when he says a word to us,but know in our hearts that it won't be far off.We tell people about his autism to let them know that at his age & even younger it is possible to see the signs if you watch with a close eye.As we all hear,the sooner the better,&in our case this proved to be especially accurate.

It's never too early.

Jenna Simone
Saint Clairsville, OH