Izak's Story

Izak was a normal functioning baby until he was about a year. Between 12-18 months old Izak had a full developmental regression.

At his 18 month check up we discussed our concerns that he was no longer speaking, could no longer run, was very clumsy, obsessive with toys, and not interested in other kids. We were sent to Neurology for evaluation where he underwent every possible genetic testing and it was determined it was a developmental issue. After more testing by a Physiologist we were told Izak was on the Autism Spectrum and started intensive ABA, OT & speech therapy.

Izak was officially diagnosed with "High Functioning Autism" June 2010 just before his 3rd birthday. I am beyond grateful for all the therapy received and early intervention which made such an impact on Izak and his development.

Right now Izak is in Kindergarten and is excelling in Reading and Math but is having issues in writing where it requires him to express his thoughts into words.

Overall the journey over the last 3 1/2 years has been a learning experience for all of us but I wouldn't change it for the world. My son is sweet, compassionate, and kind hearted. He has taught me to have patience and look at things through his eyes in ways I've never seen before. I will continue to grow with him and accept any new challenges Autism or life throws at us.

Kristen O.
Poway, CA