Jack's Journey

Jack is 11. He has severe Autism. He is perfect to me. My pregnancy with Jack was different than with his sister Lily. He was very inactive. Hardly ever moved or kicked. I remember having the worst headache of my life when I was two months pregnant. It lasted a week. On the glorious day my beautiful boy entered this world at his first breath he went into a full blown panic attack. I knew something was different, even at the hospital. He didn't want to press his face into my breast as he nursed. He tried to get away. By a year old I thought Jack was deaf. He didn't respond to his name. I remember banging a pan behind him. Nothing. Not even a flinch. He was a very quiet child. He never cooed. I tried not to compare him to his sister who talked all the time. He never called me momma. At two years old we heard the word Autism. We were terrified. All we knew about it was just horrible. We cried. We felt helpless. We mourned the child we would never have. He received all sorts of therapy, still does but None of it helps much. We decided to embrace Jack for who HE is, not what society says he should be. He is MY GREATEST BLESSING. I have learned more from him than I will ever be able to teach him. I now know unconditional LOVE and the meaning of patience. We love this boy with all our hearts. He will be mine forever!!!

Thompsons Station, TN