JD my love!

My dreams came true on 8/9/05, my son, Jeremy was born, 3 weeks early and 9lbs 8oz. He was perfect. We had waited 2 years, the torture of fertility treatments and many heartbreaks, and he was finally here. JD met every mile stone on time sitting up, crawling, talking, and walking. I have video of him at 9 months old, giggling like crazy as I played peek a boo with him. Everyone loved him and he had no fear of going to other people.

He started to regress at about 1year old. We noticed he stopped talking, walking, and responding to his name. He even started leaving a room when I came in, My heart sunk.

Christmas 2006, (16months) all the family was gathered at my mothers house for her birthday. He cried the entire time, he wouldn't leave my arms for on minute. When I had to use the restroom I either had to take him with me or listen to him cry. When we gathered around the table to sing happy birthday he had a total melt down holding his ears and screaming. We had to take him home and it was a long time before he calmed down.

He had an appointment in January for an evaluation. I had already had done some research and I knew something was wrong with him. Autism was one of the first on my list and that party confirmed it for me I didn't need the evaluation. My heart broken I waited for his evaluation knowing what the outcome would be, and I was right.

Early intervention, speech therapy, physical and occupational therapy, was the outcome. and it saved him. JD is now 8 he still doesn't speak much, But he now can be in the same room with people. He hugs and kisses, laughs and plays. He's sweet and good natured, loves animals. And best of all loves to sing happy birthday and blow out his birthday candles. He has a long way to go, but JD, my love, has come so far and he's worked so hard.

Shirley, NY