
Jenna's story is a very long and winding road. Jenna was born October 2, 2003 at 41 weeks gestation. I was induced due to lack of amnio and was then in labor for 2 days after they noticed my water was extremely low. From day one i knew something was special about my little girl. She was very bright eyed and attentive yet was not making all her milestones. Walking was delayed and talking followed in same path. I began to question Jenna's doctor being i have worked with many Special children i immediately knew. Her doctor at the time refused to listen to me and this was very frustrating to me. When Jenna was 3 years old my father and step mother had a son, Jenna and Myself tagged along to one of his doctor appointments in which we met Dr. Narayen who immediately without being her doctor pulled me into her office and asked me if Jenna had ever been tested for Autism. I at that point changed my pediatrician and so began the journey. Jenna got a appointment at Kennedy Kreiger in June of 2007, after a 7 hour day there the reports came back with Jenna having ADHD, Mild language delay, and the "characteristics" of Autism. They said because my daughter would give you eye contact and had a slightly friendly manner she was not fitting into the scales of ASD. Jenna began seeing a therapist the following month where a psychologist was present who told me Jenna did in fact have ASD. Jenna has been hospitalized twice over the years, goes to a special school for behavior issues and has been bounced back and forth now against my will since. March of this year someone FINALLY listened to me and i got her into Mt. Washington's ped. Hospital, who did the same tests KK had done. Finally the tests come back as to Jenna has in fact all this time had ASD and can now get the proper help i so needed for the past 10 years. I will continue to fight for my Bug.

Jessica Smith
Glen Burnie, MD