Jordan Writes Fantasy

Hello, I’m Jordan and I was born and raised in BC, Canada. I was diagnosed with autism when I was 3 ½. I had difficulty with language and social skills. When I was very young, I used to hit my head repeatedly against hard surfaces when I threw tantrums. Over the years, I have had many tutors help me with my social and language skills and they’ve helped me with my schooling, too. My mom, dad and older sister think that I have a great imagination. I believe my autism might’ve advanced my creative imagination. I have always been fascinated with entertainment, more specifically: unique traditional animated movies and creative fantasy entertainment.

When I was 14, I became interested in writing screenplays. I felt like doing screenplay writing because it suited my English capabilities better and I thought it would be neat to see my stories put on film. I bought the software Final Draft Version 7 and have used it to make five adventure/fantasy screenplays.

I am currently 19 years old and I am working on writing a fantasy novel. I have thought about this story for about two years and I am satisfied with my latest idea. I at first wanted to write this as a screenplay, but a friend convinced me that writing it as a novel would be better because it’s easier to sell than a screenplay. I’ve worked on the summary of my story for over half a year, putting tons of thought into it. I am currently writing chapter 9 of my novel. English may be my weakest subject, but it’s my story that motivates me to write. My story is about a Canadian 13 year old girl with autism that becomes a heroine of a mystical fantasy world. The title is: Reflection.

Jordan Lefaivre
Chilliwack, Canada