Kayvon my angel

My son Kayvon, he just turned 3 in July. We adopted K in December of 2011, I've had him since he was 4 months old, recently K was diagnosed with autism. We knew pretty early something was a miss, but we didn't care he was our angel no matter what the issues. He's our only boy, we have 5 daughters. Days are tough, lots of appointments, doctors, therapy, temper tantrums, but we deal with it day by day. I've learned so much about autism I could write a book, but honestly nothing can prepare you, it's just one of those thing you have to live through. This year were doing the walk in our city, it's amazing how much support we have gotten, our community has been wonderful.
My experience has been amazing so far, I wouldn't change anything i'm learning everyday and i'm so blessed to have Kayvon in my life, he's my angel.
Thank you, Blessed Mommy

Parma hts., OH