Meet Zavrett

This is my son Zavrett. He was born June 18/10 while his due date was june 5/10. He weighed a whopping 10 lbs and 5 oz delivered by emergency c-section. As he was growing up, he'd hit his milestones on time ( some like sitting and crawling were hard because he was so top heavy! ) but that never worried me.
October 6/11 I also gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. A few days I brought her home and everything was fine. After a month or so my son stopped talking all together and his tantrums got to the point where he would purposely try to draw blood.That's when I started to worry, but after a few months he stopped trying to hurt himself and started flapping when he got excited. Unfortunately he hated singing or being sung to. I started looking for answers and
once his 3rd birthday hit, he started talking again. Not just babble but he could count to 30, sing his ABC's , and name all his colours and shapes. He made tons of progress and also he started taking nursery school
As of may 2014, He got diagnosed with Mild autism. He is over and beyond with speech and motor activity, but lacks in problem solving and really lacks in socialization skills. I'm happy with finally knowing what's up and now I can better myself and more importantly, My children!

Saxanee-Rae Pelletier
Flin Flon, Canada